Wednesday, August 28, 2013



The Administrator of this Blog reserves the right to remove any question that they deem inappropriate unprofessional or off topic. The intent of this blog is to provide a public forum where legitimate on topic questions can be presented in a public safety forum.


  1. How will you invest in recruitment and retention initiatives for both Police and Fire Departments?

  2. What is your plan to fill gaps in fire service?

  3. How could sequestration affect public services and how will you fund police and fire departments if federal grants are cut and GRT drops?

  4. The administration was repeatedly warned about likely negative impacts if public safety budgets were cut. Cuts were made to APD and AFD and a large number of officers have ended their employment with the city. What is your plan to stabilize the work force at the public safety departments?

  5. Would you be acceptive to recommendations from the rank-and-file and labor unions to select future Police and Fire Chiefs?
    Do you feel the rank-and-file members have a vested interest in their leadership in order to deliver the best services possible for citizens?

  6. What would you say to a victim of crime or a victim of a fire or medical catastrophe, knowing Police and Fire are understaffed and ill equipped?

  7. What is your stance on labor unions and collective bargaining for the betterment of Albuquerque citizens?

  8. If faced with the situation of your Police and Fire Chiefs receiving votes of no-confidence and lack of trust from subordinates, what would your actions be?

  9. When a decision has to be made wether to fund public safety for citizens or boutique projects, which would you choose?

  10. What would be your plan to restore Fire and Police moral amist cut wages and benefits?

  11. Do you think it is a wiser choice to fulfill contractural obligations to public safety employees or pay taxpayer money towards litigation?

  12. At what cost does the Mayor cap each citizen's worth when funding public safety?

  13. What is your stance on privatization of public safety services?

  14. With the advent of Albuquerque Police and Fire Departments rescinding from the most productive and professional departments in the country to subject of DOJ investigations, morale issues, failed leadership, lack of contracts, etc., what is your plan to fix the problems and get public safety back on track for the citizens?

  15. What is your stance on City Council or board of members choosing both the Police and Fire Chiefs and not the Mayor? So that the top public safety brass are allowed to run their departments without fear of losing their jobs.

  16. How will you address the ABQ Fire Department's Advanced Life Support (ALS) initiative?

  17. Do you feel public safety is more important than 'boutique projects'? Why or why not?

  18. KRQE says, "The unions say they worked hard to provide a fair platform for all candidates. The forum won't be open to the public."

    Is that true? If so, why not? If the news media are there, why not let people hear for themselves?

    1. The venue only holds so many for seating. To be fair, each canidate was given the same amount of tickets to distribute as they wish. You may contact any of the canidates to request a ticket or the IAFF L244 office and we will try to do something for you. I wish KRQE had added that info to the report.
      Please feel free to contact me personally and thank you for your interest and support.

      Chris Wilson
      IAFF L244

  19. With the declining number of officers we have in the city how soon will it be before it affects response time on 911 calls? Last time I needed an officer for a burglary it took over 3 hours for one to arrive!! I am constantly hearing about the shortage of officers how big of a concern is this to the public?

  20. Back when APD was in its proverbial prime with a cohort of 1100 I was always seeing officers, well, cops sitting on their butts in obscure places as though hey had nothing to do. Now that the cohort is smaller I still see the same. I also see cops ignoring motor vehicle violations like red light running and reckless driving. I also see cops abusing the taxpayer by using their take home vehicle as a personal vehicle.

    If I were to present these sort of complaints to your administration would I be taken seriously or just be handed off to a public information officer who is well practiced in blowing pretty blue smoke about how the cops were on some other assignment or writing a report or something. ... or the guy in the take home was just going in to fill out his time card or something.

    (I can see why you don't want the "public" at your forum.)

    1. All complaints are taken seriously. I to was naive to think police were not doing there job if I saw them parked pr missing blatent violations missed by officers on the road, until I took the time to go on a ride along. It changed my prospective completely. Although, I'm sure as with any employer, including yours, we can all name some lazy employees, but I was surprised to find: Officer's vehicles are their office. They park to type reports, criminal complaints, etc. They also download videos, read constant updated information regarding crime as it is being dispatched. The amount of multitasking is beyond what most of us can do as they respond call to call, not knowing how any situation can turn in a second. Many traffic violations were seen by the officer when I was on the ride-along, but he was driving to another call. Don't judge unless you truly have taken the time to see their job from the inside.

  21. I went to Bank of America on Central yesterday. I noticed a cop car parked out front in the fire zone. I thought to myself, huh, I wonder if something is going on? So I go inside and I see a cop in there kind of slouched into one of the customer waiting chairs along the wall. He was playing with his phone. He looked just like an oversized, lardass, teenager with a gameboy. I thought to myself, damn that is an expensive security guard. I wonder if the bank is paying that lardass or if he is squatting on my wallet? But the bank already had an armed security guard.

    So is that just what cops get to do when "nothing is going on?"

    They can't be trusted to go out and write tickets until ABQ's motorists are trained into some semblance of respect for safety?

    Is this a good observation or reason for why ABQ citizens think the problems in APD are "cultural" or "rank and file?"

    Is that lardass one of the guys that would be arguing that they can't make a difference in crime until they get a massive increase in staffing?

  22. What does a DOJ led investigation of APD mean to you.

  23. In order of priority, where do you place discretionary expenses and contractual expenses?
